Yearly Archives: 2011

It’s the first week of the school holidays!  School is out, no more lunch boxes to pack, homework to finish, or school concerts to make costumes for. Mums everywhere are breathing a sigh of relief.  Well, for a few moments anyway, there’s still Christmas to tackle, and soon after that […]

120 Sweet Biscuits

During the last weeks of school we were getting a little sick of sandwiches, wraps and rolls, so we tried these savoury muffins with a salad.  Needless to say my little man wouldn’t stray from his Vegemite Sandwich, but the girls are adventurous, and thought they were great and their […]

Cheesy Vegie Muffins

These Anzac Biscuits are a little different to the traditional recipe.  They don’t contain any coconut, and they don’t need bicarb. soda, which is great because I have just run out of both.  The kids love them, and they make a nice change from a muesli bar, yet they still […]

Anzac Biscuits

Cupcakes are something every mum finds herself baking at some stage.  At our school and kindy they are the preferred treat to celebrate birthdays.  There’s no messy cutting of the cake, no fighting over who got the largest slice  or the piece with the most lollies on it, and best […]

The Best Vanilla Cupcakes

Seriously, if you have five minutes up your sleeve, then you have time to get out the ingredients (of which there are only four), whip up these little gems, roll them into balls and pop them in the oven.  Then you can vacuum, put on a load of washing, read […]

Cornflake and Honey Cookies

It’s Monday, and time to whip up a fresh batch of muffins for the week.  These muffins are my version of a recipe I found at called Cape Codd Apple Nut Carrot Muffins.  I have changed the ingredients somewhat, and shortened the name, but they are still packed with flavour. […]

Muffin Madness Monday

I came across this recipe the other day, just before the kids were due home from school.  It’s so quick and easy to prepare that it was baked and cooling before they walked in the door.  Watch out though, my husband says it’s addictive, and I believe him because it’s […]

Russian Slice

We’re taking a break from sandwiches today, and taking left-overs for lunch.  Here’s one way to make left-overs fun.  We had tacos last night, and the kids love cold taco mince, so I put some in a container with a dollop of sour cream and salsa, and in another container […]

What’s In The Box?

I love it when I find a way to sneak extra fruit or veges. into my kids diets, and when I served these pikelets up for afternoon tea this afternoon, The Vegemite Kid tucked in, oblivious to the  apple puree lurking inside.  They are quick, super- easy and will be […]

Apple Pikelets

You have probably guessed by now that I love a good muffin, and they are a great fall-back for the lunch box.  I also love Raspberries and White Chocolate, and according to every great foodie, the two are amazing together.  So, I was very excited when I was reading one […]

Muffin Madness Monday

Snickerdoodle Muffins, the muffin you have when you are really craving Cinnamon Doughnuts, but you don’t have the time or energy to make them.  I think that says it all…… but really, these muffins are amazing.  So amazing in fact, that it is impossible to keep them long enough to […]

Muffin Madness Monday

By the end of the first week of the school holidays, my kids were  starting to miss their school mates, and to save my sanity it was  in my best interests to arrange a class playdate in the park.  Now, with one child in year three and twins in prep […]

Cornflake Cookies

This is what I call a Pantry Recipe.  No fancy ingredients, just pantry staples, eggs and milk.  But boy are they yummy!  And quick to prepare.  I whipped mine up in about 5 minutes, and popped them into the oven just before the kids got home from school this afternoon. […]

Muffin Madness Monday

I said I would post this recipe several weeks ago, I just didn’t say when exactly I would get around to posting it.  Winter is behind us now and you have probably packed away the good old thermos, but I think this recipe is a bit of a year-rounder.  It […]

Macaroni with Spicy Mince