120 Sweet Biscuits

It’s the first week of the school holidays!  School is out, no more lunch boxes to pack, homework to finish, or school concerts to make costumes for. Mums everywhere are breathing a sigh of relief.  Well, for a few moments anyway, there’s still Christmas to tackle, and soon after that the novelty of their presents will ware off and boredom will set in.  And that’s when they start that familiar chorus of “Mum, I’m hungry!”  That’s when I start to think about what I can make a lot of, and quickly.  More often than not I fall back on this old favourite.  Many people claim it will make 120 biscuits, but I only ever seem to get about 80.  Maybe we just like our biscuits  LARGE.  There are only 4 main ingredients, and from there you can add just about anything you like.  I often divide the mix and make a variety of biscuits to keep everyone happy.  Today I found a packet of Freckles in the back of my pantry, and a couple of left-over Passionfruit in the crisper, so it’s Freckle Biscuits for the kids and Passionfruit Biscuits for me and grandma.  And they freeze!  Perfect!


500g Butter

1 Tin Condensed Milk (you can use lite)

1 Cup Sugar

5 Cups Self-Raising Flour (or 5 Cups Plain Flour and 10 teaspoons of Baking Powder)

Additional Ingredients:

Hundreds and Thousands



Jam, Peanut Paste, Lemon Butter



Glace’ Cherries or Dried Fruit

Icing (vanilla, chocolate or lemon etc.)

Nutella (sandwich two biscuits together with Nutella or icing)



Preheat oven to 170°C and line a baking sheet with baking paper.

Cream sugar and butter in a large bowl with electric beaters until creamy and fluffy.  I find this is very important if you want a light, scrummy biscuit.

Add condensed milk and flour and mix in thoroughly.

Add your flavourings as required.

(At this stage, you can divide the mixture into three  even pieces and wrap up dough in an individual piece of clingwrap. Roll into a fat sausage shape and freeze until required.)

Roll teaspoonfuls of dough between damp hands into a ball and place on baking tray lined with baking paper.

Press down slightly with a fork.

You can dip biscuits into hundreds and thousands before baking, or make an indent in the centre and add jam for jam drops.

Bake for about 10 – 15 minutes or until golden brown.

The biscuits will harden once they cool.

Source: http://120dollarsfoodchallenge.com

This week I am taking part in The Grocery Cart Challenge Recipe Swap at  http://grocerycartchallenge.blogspot.com/