Going Green

Our school likes to encourage the kids to take good care of the environment and to consider the effect their actions will have on it in the future.  They have several vegetable gardens, worm farms, compost and recycling bins around the school, and even recycle old school play equipment like Monkey Bars, training vine plants like beans and tomatoes to grow over.  They also take part in Clean Up Australia Day, and regularly have Emu Parades where they don gloves and plastic bags to pick up rubbish around the school grounds and garden beds.  Do they still call them Emu Parades?  I know we did when I was at school.

We are very lucky, the school has the facilities available for the children to be able to cook soups etc. from their produce and they are encouraged to try new foods.  Having planted, grown and cared for the vegetables seems to be a great incentive.

But that’s not really what I wanted to talk about today, although, in a round-about way, it is a related topic.  I have been in need of some extra small containers for our lunch boxes, trying to avoid the dreaded plastic bag parade.  Do you have any idea how many plastic bags I would use in one day packing at least four lunch boxes if I were to use a bag for each separate item?  I have been looking around for a while, and I guess it is the wrong time of year because there isn’t a lot to choose from.  One container that comes in various shapes and sizes is the NUDE FOOD MOVERS by SMASH as in SMASH THE TRASH.  You get three cylinders that screw together meaning you only have one lid to worry about – the top one.  Three containers, one lid!  So I finally decided to try them and so far I am very happy, even my four year old manages the lid easily without spilling her yoghurt.  Yes, they hold liquids!  And we haven’t lost any – YET!  So you see, I have unintentionally made an environmentally friendly purchase.

What containers do you like to use?

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