Cheating Tuesday

It’s no secret I’m a fan of the Diabetic Living Magazine, and have tried and posted several recipes.  I have no connection at all with the magazine, I have just found it very helpful over the years since they started publication.  It doesn’t necessarily focus a lot on children, but I find the recipes and general health tips are very helpful.

It’s also no secret that I prefer home-made muesli bars, but sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day or you may be away from home and unable to cook, or, like me, you keep what we call “Stashes” all over the place in case of a diabetic episode.  In my handbag, the car, at school, the medical cupboard, and I even keep one hidden on the top shelf of the pantry where the other children can’t find it, but grandmothers, aunts etc. who may be babysitting can find it in a hurry if they need to.  Our stashes contain jellybeans or Lucozade and a carbohydrate snack such as crackers or a muesli bar, and home-made muesli bars just aren’t made to last for long periods of time in a handbag or car.

In this month’s Diabetic Living, they have my dream article.  No more standing for ages in the supermarket aisle comparing  nutritional labels trying to figure out which muesli bar our Dietician would recommend.  They have listed eight dietician-approved snack bars, listing their price, how many come in a pack, their carbs, fat and sodium content.  Last night I went on the hunt and could only find two in my supermarket, so I purchased one, Be Natural Trail Bars.  Each box contains 6 bars at a cost of $4.99/box.  We bought Berry, and each bar contained 460kj, 1.4g total fat, 20.4g carbs and 54mg sodium.  I thought they were overly sweet, but today they went off to school in our lunch boxes and the kids came home asking if they could have one for afternoon tea, so I guess they are a keeper.

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