Re-vamping an old recipe

Short on time and hunting for something new to put in your kids lunch boxes?  Stop what you are doing, take a peek in your pantry and re-vamp one of your existing recipes.  Last Monday I wanted to make muffins, but I hadn’t done my grocery shopping, so I looked in my pantry, discovered a bag of white chocolate chips, which are rarely found in my cupboards, but they were left-over from baking for my daughter’s 5th birthday party, and decided to make a new version of my Double Chocolate Muffins.  The only difference is that I used white chocolate chips instead of milk or dark ones, and my kids thought they were something special and altogether new.  They had a slightly different opinion of my fancy muffin cups.  I think they are beautiful and I have started collecting them when I see them in the baking section of Woolworths or Spotlight, but my kids have asked me not to use them because they are too difficult to eat.  I was very sad, but I will keep using them for my muffins instead and back to Woolworths I go for a pack of  the boring multi-coloured muffins papers that live on the top shelf.

So, when you are in a bind, and totally bored with your current lunch box menu, don’t think you have to search for hours for a new recipe you may not like, change-up an oldie with what you find lurking in your pantry instead.